How to check if a value is truthy JavaScript?

Truthy values in JavaScript are those values that are considered true when evaluated in a boolean context. To check if a value is truthy in JavaScript, you can use a simple if statement or boolean logic.

Table of Contents


To check if a value is truthy in JavaScript, you can use a simple if statement with the value as the condition. For example, if(value) will evaluate to true if the value is truthy, and false if it is falsy.


1. What are truthy values in JavaScript?

Truthy values in JavaScript are values that are considered true when evaluated in a boolean context. These values include non-empty strings, numbers other than 0, and objects.

2. How can I check if a value is truthy using boolean logic?

You can use boolean logic operators such as || (OR) and && (AND) to check if a value is truthy. For example, value || “default” will return value if it is truthy, or “default” if it is falsy.

3. What is the difference between truthy and falsy values in JavaScript?

Truthy values are values that are considered true when evaluated in a boolean context, while falsy values are values that are considered false. Falsy values include 0, empty strings, null, undefined, NaN, and false.

4. Can I use if-else statements to check if a value is truthy?

Yes, you can use if-else statements to check if a value is truthy. If the condition in the if statement is true, the code inside the if block will be executed, otherwise the code inside the else block will be executed.

5. How can I check if a variable is truthy in JavaScript?

You can check if a variable is truthy by using it as a condition in an if statement. For example, if(variable) will evaluate to true if the variable is truthy, and false if it is falsy.

6. What happens if I try to use a non-boolean value in a boolean context in JavaScript?

When a non-boolean value is used in a boolean context in JavaScript, it will be implicitly converted to a boolean value according to the truthy/falsy rules. For example, 0 will be treated as false, and non-zero numbers will be treated as true.

7. Can I use the typeof operator to check if a value is truthy in JavaScript?

No, the typeof operator in JavaScript returns the data type of a value, not its truthiness. To check if a value is truthy, you should use if statements or boolean logic.

8. Are there any values that are both truthy and falsy in JavaScript?

No, a value cannot be both truthy and falsy in JavaScript. It is either considered true or false when evaluated in a boolean context.

9. How can I check if a function returns a truthy value in JavaScript?

You can check if a function returns a truthy value by calling the function and using its return value as a condition in an if statement. If the return value is truthy, the code inside the if block will be executed.

10. Can I use the triple equals operator (===) to check if a value is truthy?

Yes, you can use the triple equals operator (===) to check if a value is truthy in JavaScript. The triple equals operator checks for both value and type equality, so it will work for truthy values.

11. How can I check if an array is truthy in JavaScript?

You can check if an array is truthy by using the array as a condition in an if statement. An empty array [] is considered falsy, while an array with elements is considered truthy.

12. Can I use the ! (logical NOT) operator to check if a value is falsy in JavaScript?

Yes, you can use the ! (logical NOT) operator to check if a value is falsy in JavaScript. The ! operator converts a truthy value to false and a falsy value to true.
