This guide is about factions in the Stalcraft game.
There are two playable core factions in Stalcraft who are at war with each other:
These factions have the same Main story quests and same available gear from the barter and share some side quests. On the other hand each faction has its own bases in Swamps and Cordon, many faction specific side quests and each faction has two unique subfactions it later splits into.
Stalkers can choose between Duty and Freedom while Bandits have a choice between Mercenaries and Covenant (religious fanatics similar to Sin, not Monolith). Each subfaction has its own base (Freedom and Covenant bases are located in the tunnels below Army Warehouses and Fool’s Path respectively), a few side quests and one (more to be added in the future) unique armor. If you manage to get this armor, you can use it even if you leave your subfaction, however if you join the other subfaction it will be locked.
Joining a subfaction unlocks ability to create/join clans, allows you to barter endgame gear and is vital for farming endgame zones as in the North (Radar Station, Yanov, Limansk) only members of your subfaction are neutral/friendly while in Backwater (Zaton) only members of your clan are friendly.
How to Collect Gifts (in the Daily Faction Mission) Easly in Swamps?
Its easyer to get them at pit since it has some spawn points for gifts like in the field down from the pit tower just run around those fields untill you hear the gifts or somesing.
For exaple around here:
But mostly just run around wherever you want you will provably find alot when you run in places where noone went.
Faction Knife Rewards
1) Karambit – Useful knife in terms of speed as it provides 7% speed and seems balanced, however in that case I feel the covenant cord knife should be lowered in speed, as it already provides bleeding and there is no fairness for the other faction.
2) Cossack shasjka – Reskin of the last event katana that is now at the master tier. It has 6,5 % speed and its really uninteresting overall, unless you do not have the event katana, which is quite sad, as this knife could recieve some dmg buff a little OR speed buff to 7% as its quite more special and unique than marathon katana.
3) Katran-1 – The most knife from the cases I have seen. Not only its worse than the other knifes in almost everything (even mutant or backstab bonuses), but it provides just 6,5 % and low dmg with low penetration too. To fix this knife, I would recommend doing the same as the mercenary knife has and buffing it to like 7% to make quite exact copy of the karambit or making it useful for melee combat.
4) Misericorde – The best knife pick so far and probably the most OP, as it provides high speed (7%), deep would pen and thus causes long bleeding. Either nerf this knife or better, make the other knifes useful.
What is the Best Bandit Sub-faction?
Tbh both are good and bad. Bases is just a place to hide for some time. Covies can capture them back so you wont switch every time. Mercs has more players do to covies get locked and new bandits join mercs. But when covies unlock all stronger players switch. Are you sure you are ready for 24/7 pvp and be worry about getting camped dead city or fp? Maybe farm all posible mats first wile you can. So you dont need to waste time trying to get buriat (pit, dc, fp signals) wile you get beamed by enemy.
On top of that lots item req dc beta. And siting in sub aint gona help.
Want dump things? Scared go bar? Go merc base, ask friend to send you your shit and sell stuf there. Do suicide command and he will send you your bag.